The Directorate of Social Communications, Catholic Diocese of Makurdi organized a 2-day workshop on Climate Change and Environment with the theme: “Media Education For Students as Climate Change Vanguards”. The workshop which was organized in collaboration with the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Abuja, Catholic Star, SIGNIS, Star Radio, and Areopagus drew attendance from Students of various Secondary schools in the State as well as Students from Benue State University. In attendance were the Vice Chancellor of Benue State University represented by Prof. Bernard T Tyubee, Lady Dorcas Ukpe of Walk the Talk Foundation, and the Coordinator Integrated Health Program represented by Noble Nick Anor. Dr. Felix Kwaghsende from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning & Dr. Tyotom Keghku from the Mass Communication Department both of Benue State University Makurdi presented papers.

Declaring the workshop open, the Principal Private Secretary to the Governor of Benue State, Dr Emmanuel Chenge who was represented by Mr Leonard-Angelo Viashima D G, Bureau for International Cooperation and Development lauded the organizers for targeting Students in the campaign against the impact of Climate Change. He urged participants to become active advocates for Climate Change and always seek ways to synergize with others in mitigating the impact of Climate Change.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Moses Iorapuu, The Director of Social Communications and Parish Priest of Holy Ghost Catholic Church presented the lead paper titled “Media Education For Climate Change Vanguards”. He explained the importance of media in disseminating information and took the participants through the various forms and shapes that media is consumed, its impact on human behaviour, and how it has shaped Society. He also encouraged the students to embrace the use of media as an effective platform for engaging others positively in the fight against Climate Change.

The Project Coordinator of Benue ACReSAL, Bldr. Victor Ama in his goodwill message expressed delight that the Catholic Church which is one of the world’s biggest religious institutions has chosen to join the fight against the impact of Climate Change. He applauded them for specifically targeting Students as vanguards of Climate Change. This he said would bring about great transformation which can only be achieved through knowledge, awareness, and collaboration. He was represented by  Barr. Dooshima Ortserga who informed the participants that Benue State is also feeling the impact of Climate Change as evidenced by the unpredictability of rainfall and other weather conditions, increase in flooding, lower yield of crops, and many more. He gave an overview of the ACReSAL Project and programs aimed at tackling the impact of Climate Change. He expressed willingness to partner with relevant organizations in the fight against Climate Change.

Participants were excited to be part of the workshop and promised to be advocates in the fight against Climate Change.


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